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¡Hola chicos! ¿Como están? Mi nombre es Tanya Lubbe Mendoza y soy estudiante de último año de Microbiología y Ciencias Celulares y Chino Mandarín en la Universidad de Florida. El español es mi primer idioma, ya que nací y fui criada en Perú. Me mudé a EE.UU cuando tenía solo 10 añitos en el 2013. Practico mi español con mi mamá todos los días para no perderlo, e incluso leo novelas en español para ampliar mi vocabulario. El español es un idioma increíble y me ha abierto muchas puertas durante mi carrera estudiantil. Espero algún día volver a visitar mi Perú y seguir encontrando oportunidades para usar mi español.



大家好!我叫Tanya Lubbe,可是我的中文名字是黄熙凤。如果你们知道紅樓夢,那书给我我的中文名字的灵感。我是佛罗里达大学微生物学和中文双专业四年级学生。我在大学一年级就开始学习中文。从那时起,我就上了一年级、二年级、三年级的、甚至四年级的中文课,包括商务的中文课和文言文课。我还没有去过中国,但我希望很快就能去那里旅行。虽然我的中文还不太高级,但我决心有一天能说一口流利的中文!


Hello! How is everyone doing? My name is Tanya Lubbe Mendoza and I am a senior studying Microbiology and Cell Science and Mandarin Chinese at the University of Florida. Spanish is my first language, since I was born and raised in Peru. I moved to the US when I was 10 years old in 2013. I practice my Spanish with my mom every day so I don't lose it, and I even read novels in Spanish to expand my vocabulary. Spanish is an incredible language and it has opened many doors for me during my student career. I hope one day to visit Peru again and continue finding opportunities to use my Spanish.


Hello everyone! My name is Tanya Lubbe, but my Chinese name is Huang Xifeng. If you guys know Dream of the Red Chamber, that book gave me the inspiration for my Chinese name. I am a fourth-year student at the University of Florida double majoring in Microbiology and Chinese. I started learning Chinese in my freshman year of college. Since then, I have taken first-year, second-year, third-year, and even fourth-year Chinese, including business Chinese and classical Chinese. I haven’t been to China yet, but I hope to travel there soon. Although my Chinese is still at a beginner level, I am determined to speak fluent Chinese one day! Goodbye!

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