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English Language Institute

During my sophomore year at UF I worked as a Language Assistant at the ELI. The ELI is an intensive English program offered to international students. Language assistants conduct their own classes independently four days a week. We made our own teaching material, tailored to the level of English our assigned class was, and to the level and learning style of our students. I taught both advanced and beginner levels. 


There were also weekly activities every nigh and weekend for the international students and language assistants to bond, practice English, and have fun! We played volleyball, soccer, danced salsa, visited the campus museum, went to the beach, and so much more.


Working as an LA was exciting every day as I got to interact with people from completely different cultures from my own. Not only this, but teaching English and helping them in their everyday learning had a long-term impact on me: patience and enthusiasm are key.


Picture taken on the last day of class with the first class I taught. (December 2021).


Photo taken at one of our end-of-year activites at Lake Wauburg. All of the language assistants and students enjoyed a day at the lake. (May 2022).


These are all the countries I met students from!

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